As a qualified and experienced translator, interpreter and language trainer, I, Nina Ritschl (née Kostal), have created Linguina Communication Services to offer you my services in the communication and language sector. I have the following competencies:



Literary translation of three short stories by Jiří Kratochvil from Czech into German, published under the title "Die Causa Neufundländer" by the Austrian publishing house Wieser in cooperation with the Czech publishing house Větrný mlýny, presented at the Leipzig Book Fair 2019



Certified course in Teaching German as a Second and Foreign Language, Postgraduate Center, University of Vienna



UNIVERSITAS Certification for translations from English, Italian and Czech into German by the Austrian Interpreters' and Translators' Association UNIVERSITAS



Successful completion of the Sworn and Certified English Language Court Interpreter exam in Austria, registered at the Vienna Regional Court for Civil Matters (Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Wien)



Austrian winner of the International Literary Translation Competition organised by the Czech Centres with the translation of an extract from Bohumil Hrabal's "Listopadový uragán" (November Hurricane) from Czech into German


Since 03/2012

Working as an in-house and freelance translator, interpreter and language trainer for German, English, Italian and Czech



Bachelor's degree in Transcultural Communication for German, Italian and Czech, University of Vienna

Graduated with Merit as a Bachelor of Arts (BA)



Master's degree in Conference Interpreting for German, Italian and English, University of Vienna

Graduated as Master or Arts (MA)



Bachelor's degree in Translation and Interpreting for German, Italian and English, University of Vienna

Graduated as a Bakkalaurea der Philosophie (Bakk.phil.)


In order to process your orders professionally according to the double-checking principle, I collaborate with carefully selected colleagues who have demonstrated their professionalism to me. 

Zertifiziert für Übersetzen nach dem Österreichischen Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen UNIVERSITAS

Allgemein beeidete und gerichtlich zertifizierte Dolmetscherin für die englische Sprache

Mitglied der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

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